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Please click here if you would like to get involved in the C.O.W. Project for the 2017-2018 school year.

Please follow this link to see the video projects the students have created to explain their products, organizations, or services that will improve society.

Click here to find out more information about the students and teachers working on the C.O.W. Project this year.

THE C.O.W. Project

The C.O.W. Project allows students from California, Ohio, and Wisconsin to work collaboratively. Students were asked to look at a problem in the world and come up with an idea for a product, organization, or service that would help to improve society. The problems could affect their local areas or could be worldwide epidemics. Students worked throughout the school year to research a topic they were passionate about and created a Shark Tank style business pitch to get their ideas out there. The topics the students chose are very relevant and will hopefully help to improve the world.

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